Patient listening is the act of engaging customers for their feedback about their experiences on a continuous basis. Patient listening strategies encompass both active and passive feedback collection:
It is more important than ever for healthcare organizations to have patient listening strategies, as patients have grown accustomed to companies taking a more proactive approach to customer listening in other aspects of consumer lives. As a result, organizations across the healthcare spectrum (e.g., payers, providers, med device, pharma) are increasingly adopting and/or rapidly improving their patient listening programs (becoming a best practice).
The right approach to patient listening will vary from sector to sector (i.e., payers to providers to etc.) and organization to organization. However, there are four principles that any organization should apply in developing a patient listening strategy:
Don’t make perfect the enemy of good
Measure what is actionable
Listening is only valuable if you plan to act
Set goals & hold the org accountable
Healthcare organizations that currently lack a patient monitoring strategy should start by developing a basic, actionable, and scalable methodology for collecting feedback on their patients’ experiences. Organizations that do collect patient feedback today should evaluate their current approach relative these four key listening strategy principles and identify potential areas of weakness/opportunities to improve.